
Solidity API


An extension of MultisigBase that can call functions on any contract.


constructor(address[] accounts, uint256 threshold) public

Contract constructor

Sets the initial list of signers and corresponding threshold.


Name Type Description
accounts address[] Address array of the signers
threshold uint256 Signature threshold required to validate a transaction


function executeContract(address target, bytes callData, uint256 nativeValue) external payable returns (bytes)

Executes an external contract call. This function is protected by the onlySigners requirement.

Calls a target address with specified calldata and passing provided native value.


Name Type Description
target address The address of the contract to call
callData bytes The data encoding the function and arguments to call
nativeValue uint256 The amount of native currency (e.g., ETH) to send along with the call

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] bytes data return data from executed function call


function withdraw(address recipient, uint256 amount) external

Withdraws native token from the contract. This function is protected by the onlySigners modifier.

This function is only callable by the contract itself after passing according proposal


Name Type Description
recipient address The address to send the native token to
amount uint256 The amount of native token to send


receive() external payable

Making contact able to receive native value