
Solidity API


This contract provides a mechanism to halt the execution of specific functions if a pause condition is activated.


uint256 PAUSE_SLOT


modifier whenNotPaused()

A modifier that throws a Paused custom error if the contract is paused

This modifier should be used with functions that can be paused


modifier whenPaused()


function paused() public view returns (bool paused_)

Check if the contract is paused

Return Values

Name Type Description
paused_ bool A boolean representing the pause status. True if paused, false otherwise.


function _pause() internal

Pauses the contract

This function should be callable by the owner/governance.


function _unpause() internal

Unpauses the contract

This function should be callable by the owner/governance.


function _setPaused(bool paused_) internal

Sets the pause status of the contract

This is an internal function, meaning it can only be called from within the contract itself or from derived contracts.


Name Type Description
paused_ bool The new pause status