
Solidity API


This contract is responsible for deploying new interchain tokens and managing their token managers.



This slot contains the storage for this contract in an upgrade-compatible manner keccak256(‘InterchainTokenFactory.Slot’) - 1;










contract IInterchainTokenService interchainTokenService

Returns the address of the interchain token service.

Return Values

| Name | Type | Description | | —- | —- | ———– |


bytes32 chainNameHash

Returns the hash of the chain name.

Return Values

| Name | Type | Description | | —- | —- | ———– |


struct DeployApproval {
  address minter;
  bytes32 tokenId;
  string destinationChain;


Storage for this contract


| Name | Type | Description | | —- | —- | ———– |

struct InterchainTokenFactoryStorage {
  mapping(bytes32 => bytes32) approvedDestinationMinters;


constructor(address interchainTokenService_) public

Constructs the InterchainTokenFactory contract.


Name Type Description
interchainTokenService_ address The address of the interchain token service.


function _setup(bytes) internal pure


function contractId() external pure returns (bytes32)

Getter for the contract id.

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] bytes32 bytes32 The contract id of this contract.


function interchainTokenDeploySalt(address deployer, bytes32 salt) public view returns (bytes32 deploySalt)

Computes the deploy salt for an interchain token.


Name Type Description
deployer address The address of the deployer.
salt bytes32 A unique identifier to generate the salt.

Return Values

Name Type Description
deploySalt bytes32 The deploy salt for the interchain token.


function canonicalInterchainTokenDeploySalt(address tokenAddress) public view returns (bytes32 deploySalt)

Computes the deploy salt for a canonical interchain token.


Name Type Description
tokenAddress address The address of the token.

Return Values

Name Type Description
deploySalt bytes32 The deploy salt for the interchain token.


function interchainTokenId(address deployer, bytes32 salt) public view returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Computes the ID for an interchain token based on the deployer and a salt.


Name Type Description
deployer address The address that deployed the interchain token.
salt bytes32 A unique identifier used in the deployment process.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The ID of the interchain token.


function canonicalInterchainTokenId(address tokenAddress) public view returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Computes the ID for a canonical interchain token based on its address.


Name Type Description
tokenAddress address The address of the canonical interchain token.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The ID of the canonical interchain token.


function _interchainTokenId(bytes32 deploySalt) internal view returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Computes the tokenId for an interchain token based on the deploySalt.


Name Type Description
deploySalt bytes32 The salt used for the deployment.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId of the interchain token.


function deployInterchainToken(bytes32 salt, string name, string symbol, uint8 decimals, uint256 initialSupply, address minter) external payable returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Deploys a new interchain token with specified parameters.

Creates a new token and optionally mints an initial amount to a specified minter. This function is payable because non-payable functions cannot be called in a multicall that calls other payable functions. Cannot deploy tokens with empty supply and no minter.


Name Type Description
salt bytes32 The unique salt for deploying the token.
name string The name of the token.
symbol string The symbol of the token.
decimals uint8 The number of decimals for the token.
initialSupply uint256 The amount of tokens to mint initially (can be zero), allocated to the msg.sender.
minter address The address to receive the minter and operator role of the token, in addition to ITS. If it is set to address(0), the additional minter isn’t set, and can’t be added later. This allows creating tokens that are managed only by ITS, reducing trust assumptions. Reverts if the minter is the ITS address since it’s already added as a minter.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId corresponding to the deployed InterchainToken.


function approveDeployRemoteInterchainToken(address deployer, bytes32 salt, string destinationChain, bytes destinationMinter) external

Allow the minter to approve the deployer for a remote interchain token deployment that uses a custom destinationMinter address. This ensures that a token deployer can’t choose the destinationMinter itself, and requires the approval of the minter to reduce trust assumptions on the deployer.


Name Type Description
deployer address The address of the deployer.
salt bytes32 The unique salt for deploying the token.
destinationChain string The name of the destination chain.
destinationMinter bytes The minter address to set on the deployed token on the destination chain. This can be arbitrary bytes since the encoding of the account is dependent on the destination chain.


function revokeDeployRemoteInterchainToken(address deployer, bytes32 salt, string destinationChain) external

Allows the minter to revoke a deployer’s approval for a remote interchain token deployment that uses a custom destinationMinter address.


Name Type Description
deployer address The address of the deployer.
salt bytes32 The unique salt for deploying the token.
destinationChain string The name of the destination chain.


function _deployApprovalKey(struct InterchainTokenFactory.DeployApproval approval) internal pure returns (bytes32 key)

Compute the key for the deploy approval mapping.


function _useDeployApproval(struct InterchainTokenFactory.DeployApproval approval, bytes destinationMinter) internal

Use the deploy approval to check that the destination minter is valid and then delete the approval.


function deployRemoteInterchainToken(bytes32 salt, string destinationChain, uint256 gasValue) external payable returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Deploys a remote interchain token on a specified destination chain. No additional minter is set on the deployed token. Use the deployRemoteInterchainTokenWithMinter method to do so.


Name Type Description
salt bytes32 The unique salt for deploying the token.
destinationChain string The name of the destination chain.
gasValue uint256 The amount of gas to send for the deployment.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId corresponding to the deployed InterchainToken.


function deployRemoteInterchainTokenWithMinter(bytes32 salt, address minter, string destinationChain, bytes destinationMinter, uint256 gasValue) public payable returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Deploys a remote interchain token on a specified destination chain.


Name Type Description
salt bytes32 The unique salt for deploying the token.
minter address The address to receive the minter and operator role of the token, in addition to ITS. If the address is address(0), no additional minter is set on the token. Reverts if the minter does not have mint permission for the token.
destinationChain string The name of the destination chain.
destinationMinter bytes The minter address to set on the deployed token on the destination chain. This can be arbitrary bytes since the encoding of the account is dependent on the destination chain. If this is empty, then the minter of the token on the current chain is used as the destination minter, which makes it convenient when deploying to other EVM chains.
gasValue uint256 The amount of gas to send for the deployment.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId corresponding to the deployed InterchainToken.


function deployRemoteInterchainToken(string originalChainName, bytes32 salt, address minter, string destinationChain, uint256 gasValue) external payable returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Deploys a remote interchain token on a specified destination chain. This method is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use the above method instead.

originalChainName is only allowed to be ‘’, i.e the current chain. Other source chains are not supported anymore to simplify ITS token deployment behaviour.


Name Type Description
originalChainName string The name of the chain where the token originally exists.
salt bytes32 The unique salt for deploying the token.
minter address The address to receive the minter and operator role of the token, in addition to ITS. If the address is address(0), no additional minter is set on the token. Reverts if the minter does not have mint permission for the token.
destinationChain string The name of the destination chain.
gasValue uint256 The amount of gas to send for the deployment.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId corresponding to the deployed InterchainToken.


function _checkTokenMinter(bytes32 tokenId, address minter) internal view

Checks that the minter is registered for the token on the current chain and not the ITS address.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The unique identifier for the token. The token must be an interchain token deployed via ITS.
minter address The address to be checked as a minter for the interchain token.


function _deployInterchainToken(bytes32 salt, string destinationChain, string tokenName, string tokenSymbol, uint8 tokenDecimals, bytes minter, uint256 gasValue) internal returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Deploys a new interchain token with specified parameters.


Name Type Description
salt bytes32 The unique salt for deploying the token.
destinationChain string The name of the destination chain.
tokenName string The name of the token.
tokenSymbol string The symbol of the token.
tokenDecimals uint8 The number of decimals for the token.
minter bytes The address to receive the initially minted tokens.
gasValue uint256 The amount of gas to send for the transfer.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId corresponding to the deployed InterchainToken.


function _deployRemoteInterchainToken(bytes32 deploySalt, string destinationChain, bytes minter, uint256 gasValue) internal returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Deploys a remote interchain token on a specified destination chain.


Name Type Description
deploySalt bytes32 The salt used for the deployment.
destinationChain string The name of the destination chain.
minter bytes The address to receive the minter and operator role of the token, in addition to ITS.
gasValue uint256 The amount of gas to send for the deployment.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId corresponding to the deployed InterchainToken.


function registerCanonicalInterchainToken(address tokenAddress) external payable returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Registers a canonical token as an interchain token and deploys its token manager.

This function is payable because non-payable functions cannot be called in a multicall that calls other payable functions.


Name Type Description
tokenAddress address The address of the canonical token.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId corresponding to the registered canonical token.


function _getTokenMetadata(address tokenAddress) internal view returns (string name, string symbol, uint8 decimals)

Retrieves the metadata of an ERC20 token. Reverts with NotToken error if metadata is not available.


Name Type Description
tokenAddress address The address of the token.

Return Values

Name Type Description
name string The name of the token.
symbol string The symbol of the token.
decimals uint8 The number of decimals for the token.


function deployRemoteCanonicalInterchainToken(address originalTokenAddress, string destinationChain, uint256 gasValue) public payable returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Deploys a canonical interchain token on a remote chain.


Name Type Description
originalTokenAddress address The address of the original token on the original chain.
destinationChain string The name of the chain where the token will be deployed.
gasValue uint256 The gas amount to be sent for deployment.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId corresponding to the deployed InterchainToken.


function deployRemoteCanonicalInterchainToken(string originalChain, address originalTokenAddress, string destinationChain, uint256 gasValue) external payable returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Deploys a canonical interchain token on a remote chain. This method is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use the above method instead.

originalChain is only allowed to be ‘’, i.e the current chain. Other source chains are not supported anymore to simplify ITS token deployment behaviour.


Name Type Description
originalChain string The name of the chain where the token originally exists.
originalTokenAddress address The address of the original token on the original chain.
destinationChain string The name of the chain where the token will be deployed.
gasValue uint256 The gas amount to be sent for deployment.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId corresponding to the deployed InterchainToken.


function linkedTokenDeploySalt(address deployer, bytes32 salt) public view returns (bytes32 deploySalt)

Computes the deploy salt for a linked interchain token.


Name Type Description
deployer address The address of the deployer.
salt bytes32 The unique salt for deploying the token.

Return Values

Name Type Description
deploySalt bytes32 The deploy salt for the interchain token.


function linkedTokenId(address deployer, bytes32 salt) external view returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Computes the ID for a linked token based on its address.


Name Type Description
deployer address The address of the deployer.
salt bytes32 The unique salt for deploying the token.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The ID of the linked token.


function registerCustomToken(bytes32 salt, address tokenAddress, enum ITokenManagerType.TokenManagerType tokenManagerType, address operator) external payable returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Register an existing ERC20 token under a tokenId computed from the provided salt. A token metadata registration message will also be sent to the ITS Hub. This token can then be linked to remote tokens on different chains by submitting the linkToken function from the same msg.sender and using the same salt.

This function is marked as payable since it can be called within a multicall with other payable methods.


Name Type Description
salt bytes32 The salt used to derive the tokenId for the custom token registration. The same salt must be used when linking this token on other chains under the same tokenId.
tokenAddress address The token address of the token being registered.
tokenManagerType enum ITokenManagerType.TokenManagerType The token manager type used for the token link.
operator address The operator of the token manager.


function linkToken(bytes32 salt, string destinationChain, bytes destinationTokenAddress, enum ITokenManagerType.TokenManagerType tokenManagerType, bytes linkParams, uint256 gasValue) external payable returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Links a remote token on destinationChain to a local token corresponding to the tokenId computed from the provided salt. A local token must have been registered first using the registerCustomToken function.


Name Type Description
salt bytes32 The salt used to derive the tokenId for the custom token registration. The same salt must be used when linking this token on other chains under the same tokenId.
destinationChain string The name of the destination chain.
destinationTokenAddress bytes The token address of the token being linked.
tokenManagerType enum ITokenManagerType.TokenManagerType The token manager type used for the token link.
linkParams bytes Additional parameters for the token link depending on the destination chain. For EVM destination chains, this is an optional custom operator address.
gasValue uint256 The cross-chain gas value used to link the token on the destination chain.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId corresponding to the linked token.