
Solidity API


This contract is responsible for facilitating interchain token transfers. It (mostly) does not handle tokens, but is responsible for the messaging that needs to occur for interchain transfers to happen.

The only storage used in this contract is for Express calls. Furthermore, no ether is intended to or should be sent to this contract except as part of deploy/interchainTransfer payable methods for gas payment.


contract IAxelarGateway gateway

_There are two types of Axelar Gateways for cross-chain messaging:

  1. Cross-chain messaging (GMP): The Axelar Gateway allows sending cross-chain messages. This is compatible across both Amplifier and consensus chains. IAxelarGateway interface exposes this functionality.
  2. Cross-chain messaging with Gateway Token: The AxelarGateway on legacy consensus EVM connections supports this (via callContractWithToken) but not Amplifier chains. The gateway is cast to IAxelarGatewayWithToken when gateway tokens need to be handled. ITS deployments on Amplifier chains will revert when this functionality is used._


contract IAxelarGasService gasService


address interchainTokenFactory

Returns the address of the interchain token factory.

Return Values

| Name | Type | Description | | —- | —- | ———– |


bytes32 chainNameHash

Returns the hash of the chain name.

Return Values

| Name | Type | Description | | —- | —- | ———– |


address interchainTokenDeployer

Returns the address of the interchain token deployer contract.

Return Values

| Name | Type | Description | | —- | —- | ———– |


address tokenManagerDeployer

Returns the address of the token manager deployer contract.

Return Values

| Name | Type | Description | | —- | —- | ———– |


address tokenManager

Token manager implementation addresses


address tokenHandler

Returns the address of TokenHandler implementation.

Return Values

| Name | Type | Description | | —- | —- | ———– |


address gatewayCaller







Tokens and token managers deployed via the Token Factory contract use a special deployer address. This removes the dependency on the address the token factory was deployed too to be able to derive the same tokenId.



Latest version of metadata that’s supported.



Chain name where ITS Hub exists. This is used for routing ITS calls via ITS hub. This is set as a constant, since the ITS Hub will exist on Axelar.





Special identifier that the trusted address for a chain should be set to, which indicates if the ITS call for that chain should be routed via the ITS hub.




constructor(address tokenManagerDeployer_, address interchainTokenDeployer_, address gateway_, address gasService_, address interchainTokenFactory_, string chainName_, address tokenManagerImplementation_, address tokenHandler_, address gatewayCaller_) public

Constructor for the Interchain Token Service.

All of the variables passed here are stored as immutable variables.


Name Type Description
tokenManagerDeployer_ address The address of the TokenManagerDeployer.
interchainTokenDeployer_ address The address of the InterchainTokenDeployer.
gateway_ address The address of the AxelarGateway.
gasService_ address The address of the AxelarGasService.
interchainTokenFactory_ address The address of the InterchainTokenFactory.
chainName_ string The name of the chain that this contract is deployed on.
tokenManagerImplementation_ address The tokenManager implementation.
tokenHandler_ address The tokenHandler implementation.
gatewayCaller_ address The gatewayCaller implementation.


modifier onlyRemoteService(string sourceChain, string sourceAddress)

This modifier is used to ensure that only a remote InterchainTokenService can invoke the execute function.


Name Type Description
sourceChain string The source chain of the contract call.
sourceAddress string The source address that the call came from.


modifier onlyTokenFactory()

This modifier is used to ensure that only a the token factory can call a function.


function contractId() external pure returns (bytes32)

Getter for the contract id.

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] bytes32 bytes32 The contract id of this contract.


function tokenManagerAddress(bytes32 tokenId) public view returns (address tokenManagerAddress_)

Calculates the address of a TokenManager from a specific tokenId.

The TokenManager does not need to exist already.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenManagerAddress_ address The deployment address of the TokenManager.


function deployedTokenManager(bytes32 tokenId) public view returns (contract ITokenManager tokenManager_)

Returns the instance of ITokenManager from a specific tokenId.

This function checks if a token manager contract exists at the address for the specified tokenId. If no token manager is deployed for the tokenId, the function will revert with TokenManagerDoesNotExist.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId of the deployed token manager.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenManager_ contract ITokenManager The instance of ITokenManager associated with the specified tokenId.


function registeredTokenAddress(bytes32 tokenId) public view returns (address tokenAddress)

Returns the address of the token that an existing tokenManager points to.

This function requires that a token manager is already deployed for the specified tokenId. It will call deployedTokenManager to get the token manager and return the address of the associated token.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId of the registered token.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenAddress address The address of the token.


function interchainTokenAddress(bytes32 tokenId) public view returns (address tokenAddress)

Returns the address of the interchain token associated with the given tokenId.

The token does not need to exist.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId of the interchain token.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenAddress address The address of the interchain token.


function interchainTokenId(address sender, bytes32 salt) public pure returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Calculates the tokenId that would correspond to a link for a given deployer with a specified salt.


Name Type Description
sender address The address of the TokenManager deployer.
salt bytes32 The salt that the deployer uses for the deployment.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId that the custom TokenManager would get (or has gotten).


function tokenManagerImplementation(uint256) external view returns (address)

Getter function for TokenManager implementation. This will mainly be called by TokenManager proxies to figure out their implementations.

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] address tokenManagerAddress The address of the TokenManager implementation.


function registerTokenMetadata(address tokenAddress, uint256 gasValue) external payable

Registers metadata for a token on the ITS Hub. This metadata is used for scaling linked tokens. The token metadata must be registered before linkToken can be called for the corresponding token.


Name Type Description
tokenAddress address The address of the token.
gasValue uint256 The cross-chain gas value for sending the registration message to ITS Hub.


function registerCustomToken(bytes32 salt, address tokenAddress, enum ITokenManagerType.TokenManagerType tokenManagerType, bytes linkParams) external payable returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Only to be used by the InterchainTokenFactory to register custom tokens to this chain. Then link token can be used to register those tokens to other chains.


Name Type Description
salt bytes32 A unique salt to derive tokenId from.
tokenAddress address  
tokenManagerType enum ITokenManagerType.TokenManagerType The type of the token manager to use for the token registration.
linkParams bytes The operator for the token.


function linkToken(bytes32 salt, string destinationChain, bytes destinationTokenAddress, enum ITokenManagerType.TokenManagerType tokenManagerType, bytes linkParams, uint256 gasValue) public payable returns (bytes32 tokenId)

If destinationChain is an empty string, this function will register the token address on the current chain. Otherwise, it will link the token address on the destination chain with the token corresponding to the tokenId on the current chain. A token manager is deployed on EVM chains that’s responsible for managing the linked token.

This function replaces the prior deployTokenManager function.


Name Type Description
salt bytes32 A unique identifier to allow for multiple tokens registered per deployer.
destinationChain string The chain to link the token to. Pass an empty string for this chain.
destinationTokenAddress bytes The token address to link, as bytes.
tokenManagerType enum ITokenManagerType.TokenManagerType The type of the token manager to use to send and receive tokens.
linkParams bytes Additional parameteres to use to link the token. Fow not it is just the address of the operator.
gasValue uint256 Pass a non-zero value only for remote linking, which should be the gas to use to pay for the contract call.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId associated with the token manager.


function deployInterchainToken(bytes32 salt, string destinationChain, string name, string symbol, uint8 decimals, bytes minter, uint256 gasValue) external payable returns (bytes32 tokenId)

Used to deploy an interchain token alongside a TokenManager in another chain.

At least the gasValue amount of native token must be passed to the function call. gasValue exists because this function can be part of a multicall involving multiple functions that could make remote contract calls. If minter is empty bytes, no additional minter is set on the token, only ITS is allowed to mint. If the token is being deployed on the current chain, minter should correspond to an EVM address (as bytes). Otherwise, an encoding appropriate to the destination chain should be used.


Name Type Description
salt bytes32 The salt to be used during deployment.
destinationChain string The name of the destination chain to deploy to.
name string The name of the token to be deployed.
symbol string The symbol of the token to be deployed.
decimals uint8 The decimals of the token to be deployed.
minter bytes The address that will be able to mint and burn the deployed token.
gasValue uint256 The amount of native tokens to be used to pay for gas for the remote deployment.

Return Values

Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId corresponding to the deployed InterchainToken.


function contractCallValue(string sourceChain, string sourceAddress, bytes payload) public view virtual returns (address, uint256)

Returns the amount of token that this call is worth.

If tokenAddress is 0, then value is in terms of the native token, otherwise it’s in terms of the token address.


Name Type Description
sourceChain string The source chain.
sourceAddress string The source address on the source chain.
payload bytes The payload sent with the call.

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] address address The token address.
[1] uint256 uint256 The value the call is worth.


function execute(bytes32 commandId, string sourceChain, string sourceAddress, bytes payload) external

Executes the cross-chain ITS message.


Name Type Description
commandId bytes32 The unique message id.
sourceChain string The chain where the transaction originates from.
sourceAddress string The address of the remote ITS where the transaction originates from.
payload bytes The encoded data payload for the transaction.


function expressExecute(bytes32 commandId, string sourceChain, string sourceAddress, bytes payload) public payable

Express executes operations based on the payload and selector.

This function is payable because non-payable functions cannot be called in a multicall that calls other payable functions.


Name Type Description
commandId bytes32 The unique message id.
sourceChain string The chain where the transaction originates from.
sourceAddress string The address of the remote ITS where the transaction originates from.
payload bytes The encoded data payload for the transaction.


function getExpressExecutor(bytes32 commandId, string sourceChain, string sourceAddress, bytes32 payloadHash) external view returns (address expressExecutor)

Returns the express executor for a given command.


Name Type Description
commandId bytes32 The commandId for the contractCall.
sourceChain string The source chain.
sourceAddress string The source address.
payloadHash bytes32 The hash of the payload.

Return Values

Name Type Description
expressExecutor address The address of the express executor.


function _expressExecute(bytes32 commandId, string sourceChain, bytes payload) internal

Uses the caller’s tokens to fullfill a sendCall ahead of time. Use this only if you have detected an outgoing interchainTransfer that matches the parameters passed here.


Name Type Description
commandId bytes32 The unique message id of the transfer being expressed.
sourceChain string the name of the chain where the interchainTransfer originated from.
payload bytes the payload of the receive token


function interchainTransfer(bytes32 tokenId, string destinationChain, bytes destinationAddress, uint256 amount, bytes metadata, uint256 gasValue) external payable

Initiates an interchain transfer of a specified token to a destination chain.

The function retrieves the TokenManager associated with the tokenId.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The unique identifier of the token to be transferred.
destinationChain string The destination chain to send the tokens to.
destinationAddress bytes The address on the destination chain to send the tokens to.
amount uint256 The amount of tokens to be transferred.
metadata bytes Optional metadata for the transfer. The first 4 bytes is the metadata version. To call the destinationAddress as a contract with a payload, provide bytes.concat(bytes4(0), payload) as the metadata. The token will be transferred to the destination app contract before it is executed.
gasValue uint256  


function transmitInterchainTransfer(bytes32 tokenId, address sourceAddress, string destinationChain, bytes destinationAddress, uint256 amount, bytes metadata) external payable

Transmit an interchain transfer for the given tokenId.

Only callable by a token registered under a tokenId.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId of the token (which must be the msg.sender).
sourceAddress address The address where the token is coming from.
destinationChain string The name of the chain to send tokens to.
destinationAddress bytes The destinationAddress for the interchainTransfer.
amount uint256 The amount of token to give.
metadata bytes Optional metadata for the call for additional effects (such as calling a destination contract).


function setFlowLimits(bytes32[] tokenIds, uint256[] flowLimits) external

Used to set a flow limit for a token manager that has the service as its operator.


Name Type Description
tokenIds bytes32[] An array of the tokenIds of the tokenManagers to set the flow limits of.
flowLimits uint256[] The flowLimits to set.


function setTrustedAddress(string chain, string address_) external

Used to set a trusted address for a chain.


Name Type Description
chain string The chain to set the trusted address of.
address_ string The address to set as trusted.


function removeTrustedAddress(string chain) external

Used to remove a trusted address for a chain.


Name Type Description
chain string The chain to set the trusted address of.


function setPauseStatus(bool paused) external

Allows the owner to pause/unpause the token service.


Name Type Description
paused bool Boolean value representing whether to pause or unpause.


function migrateInterchainToken(bytes32 tokenId) external

Allows the owner to migrate minter of native interchain tokens from ITS to the corresponding token manager.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 the tokenId of the registered token.


function _setup(bytes params) internal


function _processInterchainTransferPayload(bytes32 commandId, address expressExecutor, string sourceChain, bytes payload) internal

Processes the payload data for a send token call.


Name Type Description
commandId bytes32 The unique message id.
expressExecutor address The address of the express executor. Equals address(0) if it wasn’t expressed.
sourceChain string The chain where the transaction originates from.
payload bytes The encoded data payload to be processed.


function _processLinkTokenPayload(bytes payload) internal

Processes a deploy token manager payload.


function _processDeployInterchainTokenPayload(bytes payload) internal

Processes a deploy interchain token manager payload.


Name Type Description
payload bytes The encoded data payload to be processed.


function _routeMessage(string destinationChain, bytes payload, enum IGatewayCaller.MetadataVersion metadataVersion, uint256 gasValue) internal

Route the ITS message to the destination chain with the given payload

This method also determines whether the ITS call should be routed via the ITS Hub. If the trustedAddress(destinationChain) == 'hub', then the call is wrapped and routed to the ITS Hub destination.


Name Type Description
destinationChain string The target chain where the contract will be called.
payload bytes The data payload for the transaction.
metadataVersion enum IGatewayCaller.MetadataVersion  
gasValue uint256 The amount of gas to be paid for the transaction.


function _callContract(string destinationChain, string destinationAddress, bytes payload, enum IGatewayCaller.MetadataVersion metadataVersion, uint256 gasValue) internal

Calls a contract on a destination chain via the gateway caller.


Name Type Description
destinationChain string The chain where the contract will be called.
destinationAddress string The address of the contract to call.
payload bytes The data payload for the transaction.
metadataVersion enum IGatewayCaller.MetadataVersion The version of the metadata.
gasValue uint256 The amount of gas to be paid for the transaction.


function _getCallParams(string destinationChain, bytes payload) internal view returns (string, string, bytes)

Get the params for the cross-chain message, taking routing via ITS Hub into account.


function _execute(bytes32 commandId, string sourceChain, string sourceAddress, bytes payload, bytes32 payloadHash) internal


function _getMessageType(bytes payload) internal pure returns (uint256 messageType)


function _getExecuteParams(string sourceChain, bytes payload) internal view returns (uint256, string, bytes)

Return the parameters for the execute call, taking routing via ITS Hub into account.


function _deployRemoteInterchainToken(bytes32 tokenId, string name, string symbol, uint8 decimals, bytes minter, string destinationChain, uint256 gasValue) internal

Deploys an interchain token on a destination chain.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The ID of the token.
name string The name of the token.
symbol string The symbol of the token.
decimals uint8 The number of decimals of the token.
minter bytes The minter address for the token.
destinationChain string The destination chain where the token will be deployed.
gasValue uint256 The amount of gas to be paid for the transaction.


function _deployTokenManager(bytes32 tokenId, enum ITokenManagerType.TokenManagerType tokenManagerType, address tokenAddress, bytes operator) internal

Deploys a token manager.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The ID of the token.
tokenManagerType enum ITokenManagerType.TokenManagerType The type of the token manager to be deployed.
tokenAddress address The address of the token to be managed.
operator bytes The operator of the token manager.


function _getInterchainTokenSalt(bytes32 tokenId) internal pure returns (bytes32 salt)

Computes the salt for an interchain token deployment.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The ID of the token.

Return Values

Name Type Description
salt bytes32 The computed salt for the token deployment.


function _deployInterchainToken(bytes32 tokenId, bytes minterBytes, string name, string symbol, uint8 decimals) internal returns (address tokenAddress)

Deploys an interchain token.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The ID of the token.
minterBytes bytes The minter address for the token.
name string The name of the token.
symbol string The symbol of the token.
decimals uint8 The number of decimals of the token.


function _decodeMetadata(bytes metadata) internal pure returns (enum IGatewayCaller.MetadataVersion version, bytes data)

Decodes the metadata into a version number and data bytes.

The function expects the metadata to have the version in the first 4 bytes, followed by the actual data.


Name Type Description
metadata bytes The bytes containing the metadata to decode.

Return Values

Name Type Description
version enum IGatewayCaller.MetadataVersion The version number extracted from the metadata.
data bytes The data bytes extracted from the metadata.


function _transmitInterchainTransfer(bytes32 tokenId, address sourceAddress, string destinationChain, bytes destinationAddress, uint256 amount, enum IGatewayCaller.MetadataVersion metadataVersion, bytes data, uint256 gasValue) internal

Transmit a callContractWithInterchainToken for the given tokenId.


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 The tokenId of the TokenManager (which must be the msg.sender).
sourceAddress address The address where the token is coming from, which will also be used for gas reimbursement.
destinationChain string The name of the chain to send tokens to.
destinationAddress bytes The destinationAddress for the interchainTransfer.
amount uint256 The amount of tokens to send.
metadataVersion enum IGatewayCaller.MetadataVersion The version of the metadata.
data bytes The data to be passed with the token transfer.
gasValue uint256 The amount of gas to be paid for the transaction.


function _takeToken(bytes32 tokenId, address from, uint256 amount, bool tokenOnly) internal returns (uint256)

Takes token from a sender via the token service. tokenOnly indicates if the caller should be restricted to the token only.


function _giveToken(bytes32 tokenId, address to, uint256 amount) internal returns (uint256, address tokenAddress)

Gives token to recipient via the token service.


function _contractCallValue(bytes payload) internal view returns (address, uint256)

Returns the amount of token that this call is worth.

If tokenAddress is 0, then value is in terms of the native token, otherwise it’s in terms of the token address.


Name Type Description
payload bytes The payload sent with the call.

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] address address The token address.
[1] uint256 uint256 The value the call is worth.


function _getExpressExecutorAndEmitEvent(bytes32 commandId, string sourceChain, string sourceAddress, bytes32 payloadHash) internal returns (address expressExecutor)