
Module 0x0::big_vector

BigVector is an arbitrary sized vector-like data structure, implemented using an on-chain B+ Tree to support almost constant time (log base max_fan_out) random access, insertion and removal.

Iteration is supported by exposing access to leaf nodes (slices). Finding the initial slice can be done in almost constant time, and subsequently finding the previous or next slice can also be done in constant time.

Nodes in the B+ Tree are stored as individual dynamic fields hanging off the BigVector.

Note: The index type is u128, but the length is stored as u64 because the expectation is that indices are sparsely distributed.

use 0x0::utils;
use 0x1::vector;
use 0x2::dynamic_field;
use 0x2::object;
use 0x2::tx_context;

Resource BigVector

struct BigVector<E: store> has store, key
id: object::UID
depth: u8
How deep the tree structure is.
length: u64
Total number of elements that this vector contains, not including gaps in the vector.
max_slice_size: u64
Max size of leaf nodes (counted in number of elements, E).
max_fan_out: u64
Max size of interior nodes (counted in number of children).
root_id: u64
ID of the tree's root structure. Value of NO_SLICE means there's no root.
last_id: u64
The last node ID that was allocated.

Struct Slice

A node in the B+ tree.

If representing a leaf node, there are as many keys as values (such that keys[i] is the key corresponding to vals[i]).

A Slice<u64> can also represent an interior node, in which case vals contain the IDs of its children and keys represent the partitions between children. There will be one fewer key than value in this configuration.

struct Slice<E: store> has drop, store
prev: u64
Previous node in the intrusive doubly-linked list data structure.
next: u64
Next node in the intrusive doubly-linked list data structure.
keys: vector<u128>
vals: vector<E>

Struct SliceRef

Wrapper type around indices for slices. The internal index is the ID of the dynamic field containing the slice.

struct SliceRef has copy, drop, store
ix: u64


Tried to redistribute between two nodes, but the operation would have had no effect.

const EBadRedistribution: u64 = 9;

Found a node in an unexpected state during removal (namely, we tried to remove from a node’s child and found that it had become empty, which should not be possible).

const EBadRemove: u64 = 7;

Key already exists in BigVector.

const EExists: u64 = 6;

Max Fan-out provided is too big.

const EFanOutTooBig: u64 = 3;

Max Fan-out provided is too small.

const EFanOutTooSmall: u64 = 2;

Found a pair of nodes that are expected to be adjacent but whose linked list pointers don’t match up.

const ENotAdjacent: u64 = 8;

BigVector is not empty.

const ENotEmpty: u64 = 4;

Key not found in BigVector.

const ENotFound: u64 = 5;

Max Slice Size provided is too big.

const ESliceTooBig: u64 = 1;

Max Slice Size provided is too small.

const ESliceTooSmall: u64 = 0;

Internal nodes of BigVector can’t have more children than this, to avoid hitting object size limits.

const MAX_FAN_OUT: u64 = 4096;

Leaf nodes of BigVector can’t be bigger than this, to avoid hitting object size limits.

const MAX_SLICE_SIZE: u64 = 262144;

We will accommodate at least this much fan out before splitting interior nodes, so that after the split, we don’t get an interior node that contains only one child.

const MIN_FAN_OUT: u64 = 4;

Leaf nodes of BigVector should have at least 2 elements for maximum size

const MIN_SLICE_SIZE: u64 = 2;

Sentinel representing the absence of a slice.

const NO_SLICE: u64 = 0;

0b001: Node is completely empty (applies only to root).

const RM_FIX_EMPTY: u8 = 1;

0b100: Merged with the left neighbour.

const RM_FIX_MERGE_L: u8 = 4;

0b101: Merged with the right neighbour.

const RM_FIX_MERGE_R: u8 = 5;

0b000: No fix-up.

const RM_FIX_NOTHING: u8 = 0;

0b010: Stole a key from the left neighbour, additional value is the new pivot after the steal.

const RM_FIX_STEAL_L: u8 = 2;

0b011: Stole a key from the right neighbour, additional value is the new pivot after the steal.

const RM_FIX_STEAL_R: u8 = 3;

Function empty

Construct a new, empty BigVector. max_slice_size contains the maximum size of its leaf nodes, and max_fan_out contains the maximum fan-out of its interior nodes.

public(friend) fun empty<E: store>(max_slice_size: u64, max_fan_out: u64, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): big_vector::BigVector<E>
public(package) fun empty<E: store>(
    max_slice_size: u64,
    max_fan_out: u64,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
): BigVector<E> {
    assert!(MIN_SLICE_SIZE <= max_slice_size, ESliceTooSmall);
    assert!(max_slice_size <= MAX_SLICE_SIZE, ESliceTooBig);
    assert!(MIN_FAN_OUT <= max_fan_out, EFanOutTooSmall);
    assert!(max_fan_out <= MAX_FAN_OUT, EFanOutTooBig);

    BigVector {
        depth: 0,
        length: 0,
        root_id: NO_SLICE,
        last_id: NO_SLICE,

Function destroy_empty

Destroy self as long as it is empty, even if its elements are not droppable. Fails if self is not empty.

public(friend) fun destroy_empty<E: store>(self: big_vector::BigVector<E>)
public(package) fun destroy_empty<E: store>(self: BigVector<E>) {
    let BigVector {
        depth: _,
        max_slice_size: _,
        max_fan_out: _,
        root_id: _,
        last_id: _,
    } = self;

    assert!(length == 0, ENotEmpty);

Function is_empty

Whether self contains no elements or not.

public(friend) fun is_empty<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>): bool
public(package) fun is_empty<E: store>(self: &BigVector<E>): bool {
    self.length == 0

Function length

The number of elements contained in self.

public(friend) fun length<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>): u64
public(package) fun length<E: store>(self: &BigVector<E>): u64 {

Function depth

The number of nodes between the root and the leaves in self. This is within a constant factor of log base max_fan_out of the length.

public(friend) fun depth<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>): u8
public(package) fun depth<E: store>(self: &BigVector<E>): u8 {

Function borrow

Access the element at index ix in self.

public(friend) fun borrow<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>, ix: u128): &E
public(package) fun borrow<E: store>(self: &BigVector<E>, ix: u128): &E {
    let (ref, offset) = self.slice_around(ix);
    let slice = self.borrow_slice(ref);
    slice_borrow(slice, offset)

Function borrow_mut

Access the element at index ix in self, mutably.

public(friend) fun borrow_mut<E: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, ix: u128): &mut E
public(package) fun borrow_mut<E: store>(
    self: &mut BigVector<E>,
    ix: u128,
): &mut E {
    let (ref, offset) = self.slice_around(ix);
    let slice = self.borrow_slice_mut(ref);
    slice_borrow_mut(slice, offset)

Function insert

Add val to self at index key. Aborts if key is already present in self.

public(friend) fun insert<E: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, key: u128, val: E)
public(package) fun insert<E: store>(
    self: &mut BigVector<E>,
    key: u128,
    val: E,
) {
    self.length = self.length + 1;

    if (self.root_id == NO_SLICE) {
        self.root_id = self.alloc(singleton(key, val));

    let (root_id, depth) = (self.root_id, self.depth);
    let (key, other) = self.slice_insert(root_id, depth, key, val);

    if (other != NO_SLICE) {
        self.root_id = self.alloc(branch(key, root_id, other));
        self.depth = self.depth + 1;

Function remove

Remove the element with key key from self, returning its value. Aborts if key is not found.

public(friend) fun remove<E: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, key: u128): E
public(package) fun remove<E: store>(self: &mut BigVector<E>, key: u128): E {
    if (self.root_id == NO_SLICE) {
        abort ENotFound

    self.length = self.length - 1;

    let (root_id, depth) = (self.root_id, self.depth);
    let (val, rm_fix, _) = self.slice_remove(

    if (rm_fix == RM_FIX_EMPTY) {
        if (self.depth == 0) {
            let Slice<E> {
                prev: _,
                next: _,
                keys: _,
            } = df::remove(&mut, root_id);

            // SAFETY: The slice is guaranteed to be empty because
            // it is a leaf and we received the RM_FIX_EMPTY
            // fix-up.

            self.root_id = NO_SLICE;
        } else {
            let mut root: Slice<u64> = df::remove(&mut, root_id);
            self.root_id = root.vals.pop_back();
            self.depth = self.depth - 1;


Function remove_batch

Remove elements from self at the indices in keys, returning the associated values.

Aborts if any of the keys are not found.

public(friend) fun remove_batch<E: store>(_self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, _keys: vector<u128>): vector<E>
public(package) fun remove_batch<E: store>(
    _self: &mut BigVector<E>,
    _keys: vector<u128>,
): vector<E> {
    abort 0

Function slice_around

Find the slice that contains the key-value pair for key, assuming it exists in the data structure. Returns the reference to the slice and the local offset within the slice if it exists, aborts with ENotFound otherwise.

public(friend) fun slice_around<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>, key: u128): (big_vector::SliceRef, u64)
public(package) fun slice_around<E: store>(
    self: &BigVector<E>,
    key: u128,
): (SliceRef, u64) {
    if (self.root_id == NO_SLICE) {
        abort ENotFound

    let (ix, leaf, off) = self.find_leaf(key);

    if (off >= leaf.keys.length()) {
        abort ENotFound
    } else if (key != leaf.keys[off]) {
        abort ENotFound

    (SliceRef { ix }, off)

Function slice_following

Find the slice that contains the key-value pair corresponding to the next key in self at or after key. Returns the reference to the slice and the local offset within the slice if it exists, or (NO_SLICE, 0), if there is no matching key-value pair.

public(friend) fun slice_following<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>, key: u128): (big_vector::SliceRef, u64)
public(package) fun slice_following<E: store>(
    self: &BigVector<E>,
    key: u128,
): (SliceRef, u64) {
    if (self.root_id == NO_SLICE) {
        return (SliceRef { ix: NO_SLICE }, 0)

    let (ix, leaf, off) = self.find_leaf(key);
    if (off >= leaf.keys.length()) {
        (, 0)
    } else {
        (SliceRef { ix }, off)

Function slice_before

Find the slice that contains the key-value pair corresponding to the previous key in self. Returns the reference to the slice and the local offset within the slice if it exists, or (NO_SLICE, 0), if there is no matching key-value pair.

public(friend) fun slice_before<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>, key: u128): (big_vector::SliceRef, u64)
public(package) fun slice_before<E: store>(
    self: &BigVector<E>,
    key: u128,
): (SliceRef, u64) {
    if (self.root_id == NO_SLICE) {
        return (SliceRef { ix: NO_SLICE }, 0)

    let (ix, leaf, off) = self.find_leaf(key);
    if (off == 0) {
        let prev_ref = leaf.prev();
        if (prev_ref.is_null()) {
            (SliceRef { ix: NO_SLICE }, 0)
        } else {
            let prev_slice = self.borrow_slice(prev_ref);
            (prev_ref, prev_slice.keys.length() - 1)
    } else {
        (SliceRef { ix }, off - 1)

Function min_slice

Find the slice that contains the key-value pair corresponding to the minimum key in self. Returns the reference to the slice and the local offset within the slice if it exists, or (NO_SLICE, 0), if there is no matching key-value pair.

public(friend) fun min_slice<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>): (big_vector::SliceRef, u64)
public(package) fun min_slice<E: store>(self: &BigVector<E>): (SliceRef, u64) {
    if (self.root_id == NO_SLICE) {
        return (SliceRef { ix: NO_SLICE }, 0)

    let (ix, _, off) = self.find_min_leaf();
    (SliceRef { ix }, off)

Function max_slice

Find the slice that contains the key-value pair corresponding to the maximum key in self. Returns the reference to the slice and the local offset within the slice if it exists, or (NO_SLICE, 0), if there is no matching key-value pair.

public(friend) fun max_slice<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>): (big_vector::SliceRef, u64)
public(package) fun max_slice<E: store>(self: &BigVector<E>): (SliceRef, u64) {
    if (self.root_id == NO_SLICE) {
        return (SliceRef { ix: NO_SLICE }, 0)

    let (ix, _, off) = self.find_max_leaf();
    (SliceRef { ix }, off)

Function next_slice

Given the current slice and offset, get the next slice and offset. Can be null.

public(friend) fun next_slice<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>, ref: big_vector::SliceRef, offset: u64): (big_vector::SliceRef, u64)
public(package) fun next_slice<E: store>(
    self: &BigVector<E>,
    ref: SliceRef,
    offset: u64,
): (SliceRef, u64) {
    let slice = self.borrow_slice(ref);
    if (offset + 1 < slice.vals.length()) {
        (ref, offset + 1)
    } else {
        (, 0)

Function prev_slice

Given the current slice and offset, get the previous slice and offset. Can be null.

public(friend) fun prev_slice<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>, ref: big_vector::SliceRef, offset: u64): (big_vector::SliceRef, u64)
public(package) fun prev_slice<E: store>(
    self: &BigVector<E>,
    ref: SliceRef,
    offset: u64,
): (SliceRef, u64) {
    let slice = self.borrow_slice(ref);
    if (offset > 0) {
        (ref, offset - 1)
    } else {
        let mut prev_index = 0;
        let prev_slice = slice.prev();
        if (!prev_slice.is_null()) {
            prev_index = self.borrow_slice(prev_slice).vals.length() - 1

        (prev_slice, prev_index)

Function borrow_slice

Borrow a slice from this vector.

public(friend) fun borrow_slice<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>, ref: big_vector::SliceRef): &big_vector::Slice<E>
public(package) fun borrow_slice<E: store>(
    self: &BigVector<E>,
    ref: SliceRef,
): &Slice<E> {
    df::borrow(&, ref.ix)

Function borrow_slice_mut

Borrow a slice from this vector, mutably.

public(friend) fun borrow_slice_mut<E: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, ref: big_vector::SliceRef): &mut big_vector::Slice<E>
public(package) fun borrow_slice_mut<E: store>(
    self: &mut BigVector<E>,
    ref: SliceRef,
): &mut Slice<E> {
    df::borrow_mut(&mut, ref.ix)

Function slice_is_null

Returns whether the SliceRef points to an actual slice, or the NO_SLICE sentinel. It is an error to attempt to borrow a slice from a BigVector if it doesn’t exist.

public(friend) fun slice_is_null(self: &big_vector::SliceRef): bool
public(package) fun slice_is_null(self: &SliceRef): bool {
    self.ix == NO_SLICE

Function slice_is_leaf

Returns whether the slice is a leaf node or not. Leaf nodes have as many keys as values.

public(friend) fun slice_is_leaf<E: store>(self: &big_vector::Slice<E>): bool
public(package) fun slice_is_leaf<E: store>(self: &Slice<E>): bool {
    self.vals.length() == self.keys.length()

Function slice_next

Reference to the next (neighbouring) slice to this one.

public(friend) fun slice_next<E: store>(self: &big_vector::Slice<E>): big_vector::SliceRef
public(package) fun slice_next<E: store>(self: &Slice<E>): SliceRef {
    SliceRef { ix: }

Function slice_prev

Reference to the previous (neighbouring) slice to this one.

public(friend) fun slice_prev<E: store>(self: &big_vector::Slice<E>): big_vector::SliceRef
public(package) fun slice_prev<E: store>(self: &Slice<E>): SliceRef {
    SliceRef { ix: self.prev }

Function slice_length

Number of children (values) in this slice.

public(friend) fun slice_length<E: store>(self: &big_vector::Slice<E>): u64
public(package) fun slice_length<E: store>(self: &Slice<E>): u64 {

Function slice_key

Access a key from this slice, referenced by its offset, local to the slice.

public(friend) fun slice_key<E: store>(self: &big_vector::Slice<E>, ix: u64): u128
public(package) fun slice_key<E: store>(self: &Slice<E>, ix: u64): u128 {

Function slice_borrow

Access a value from this slice, referenced by its offset, local to the slice.

public(friend) fun slice_borrow<E: store>(self: &big_vector::Slice<E>, ix: u64): &E
public(package) fun slice_borrow<E: store>(self: &Slice<E>, ix: u64): &E {

Function slice_borrow_mut

Access a value from this slice, mutably, referenced by its offset, local to the slice.

public(friend) fun slice_borrow_mut<E: store>(self: &mut big_vector::Slice<E>, ix: u64): &mut E
public(package) fun slice_borrow_mut<E: store>(
    self: &mut Slice<E>,
    ix: u64,
): &mut E {
    &mut self.vals[ix]

Function alloc

Store slice as a dynamic field on self, and use its dynamic field ID to connect it into the doubly linked list structure at its level. Returns the ID of the slice to be used in a SliceRef.

fun alloc<E: store, F: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, slice: big_vector::Slice<F>): u64
fun alloc<E: store, F: store>(self: &mut BigVector<E>, slice: Slice<F>): u64 {
    let prev = slice.prev;
    let next =;

    self.last_id = self.last_id + 1;
    df::add(&mut, self.last_id, slice);
    let curr = self.last_id;

    if (prev != NO_SLICE) {
        let prev: &mut Slice<F> = df::borrow_mut(&mut, prev); = curr;

    if (next != NO_SLICE) {
        let next: &mut Slice<F> = df::borrow_mut(&mut, next);
        next.prev = curr;


Function singleton

Create a slice representing a leaf node containing a single key-value pair.

fun singleton<E: store>(key: u128, val: E): big_vector::Slice<E>
fun singleton<E: store>(key: u128, val: E): Slice<E> {
    Slice {
        prev: NO_SLICE,
        next: NO_SLICE,
        keys: vector[key],
        vals: vector[val],

Function branch

Create a slice representing an interior node containing a single branch.

fun branch(key: u128, left: u64, right: u64): big_vector::Slice<u64>
fun branch(key: u128, left: u64, right: u64): Slice<u64> {
    Slice {
        prev: NO_SLICE,
        next: NO_SLICE,
        keys: vector[key],
        vals: vector[left, right],

Function drop_slice

Recursively drop the nodes under the node at id node. Assumes that node has depth depth and is owned by id.

fun drop_slice<E: drop, store>(id: &mut object::UID, depth: u8, slice: u64)
fun drop_slice<E: store + drop>(id: &mut UID, depth: u8, slice: u64) {
    if (slice == NO_SLICE) {
    } else if (depth == 0) {
        let _: Slice<E> = df::remove(id, slice);
    } else {
        let mut slice: Slice<u64> = df::remove(id, slice);
        while (!slice.vals.is_empty()) {
            drop_slice<E>(id, depth - 1, slice.vals.pop_back());

Function find_leaf

Find the leaf slice that would contain key if it existed in self. Returns the slice ref for the leaf, a reference to the leaf, and the offset in the leaf of the key (if the key were to exist in self it would appear here).

Assumes self is non-empty.

fun find_leaf<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>, key: u128): (u64, &big_vector::Slice<E>, u64)
fun find_leaf<E: store>(self: &BigVector<E>, key: u128): (u64, &Slice<E>, u64) {
    let (mut slice_id, mut depth) = (self.root_id, self.depth);

    while (depth > 0) {
        let node: &Slice<u64> = df::borrow(&, slice_id);
        let off = node.bisect_right(key);
        slice_id = node.vals[off];
        depth = depth - 1;

    let leaf: &Slice<E> = df::borrow(&, slice_id);
    let off = leaf.bisect_left(key);

    (slice_id, leaf, off)

Function find_min_leaf

Find the minimum leaf node that contains the smallest key in the BigVector. Assumes self is non-empty.

fun find_min_leaf<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>): (u64, &big_vector::Slice<E>, u64)
fun find_min_leaf<E: store>(self: &BigVector<E>): (u64, &Slice<E>, u64) {
    let (mut slice_id, mut depth) = (self.root_id, self.depth);

    // Traverse down to the leftmost leaf node
    while (depth > 0) {
        let slice: &Slice<u64> = df::borrow(&, slice_id);
        slice_id = slice.vals[0]; // Always take the leftmost child
        depth = depth - 1;

    let leaf: &Slice<E> = df::borrow(&, slice_id);

    (slice_id, leaf, 0)

Function find_max_leaf

Find the maximum leaf node that contains the largest key in the BigVector. Assumes self is non-empty.

fun find_max_leaf<E: store>(self: &big_vector::BigVector<E>): (u64, &big_vector::Slice<E>, u64)
fun find_max_leaf<E: store>(self: &BigVector<E>): (u64, &Slice<E>, u64) {
    let (mut slice_id, mut depth) = (self.root_id, self.depth);

    // Traverse down to the rightmost leaf node
    while (depth > 0) {
        let slice: &Slice<u64> = df::borrow(&, slice_id);
        slice_id =
            slice.vals[slice.keys.length()]; // Always take the rightmost child
        depth = depth - 1;

    let leaf: &Slice<E> = df::borrow(&, slice_id);

    (slice_id, leaf, leaf.keys.length() - 1)

Function slice_bisect_left

Find the position in slice.keys of key if it exists, or the minimal position it should be inserted in to maintain sorted order.

fun slice_bisect_left<E: store>(self: &big_vector::Slice<E>, key: u128): u64
fun slice_bisect_left<E: store>(self: &Slice<E>, key: u128): u64 {
    let (mut lo, mut hi) = (0, self.keys.length());

    // Invariant: keys[0, lo) < key <= keys[hi, ..)
    while (lo < hi) {
        let mid = (hi - lo) / 2 + lo;
        if (key <= self.keys[mid]) {
            hi = mid;
        } else {
            lo = mid + 1;


Function slice_bisect_right

Find the largest index in slice.keys to insert key to maintain sorted order.

fun slice_bisect_right<E: store>(self: &big_vector::Slice<E>, key: u128): u64
fun slice_bisect_right<E: store>(self: &Slice<E>, key: u128): u64 {
    let (mut lo, mut hi) = (0, self.keys.length());

    // Invariant: keys[0, lo) <= key < keys[hi, ..)
    while (lo < hi) {
        let mid = (hi - lo) / 2 + lo;
        if (key < self.keys[mid]) {
            hi = mid;
        } else {
            lo = mid + 1;


Function slice_insert

Insert key: val into the slice at ID slice_id with depth depth.

Returns (0, NO_SLICE), if the insertion could be completed without splitting, otherwise returns the key that was split upon, and the ID of the new Slice which always sits next to (and not previously to) slice_id.

Upon returning, sibling pointers are fixed up, but children pointers will not be.

Aborts if key is already found within the slice.

fun slice_insert<E: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, slice_id: u64, depth: u8, key: u128, val: E): (u128, u64)
fun slice_insert<E: store>(
    self: &mut BigVector<E>,
    slice_id: u64,
    depth: u8,
    key: u128,
    val: E,
): (u128, u64) {
    if (depth == 0) {
        self.leaf_insert(slice_id, key, val)
    } else {
        self.node_insert(slice_id, depth - 1, key, val)

Function leaf_insert

Like slice_insert but you know that slice_id points to a leaf node.

fun leaf_insert<E: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, slice_id: u64, key: u128, val: E): (u128, u64)
fun leaf_insert<E: store>(
    self: &mut BigVector<E>,
    slice_id: u64,
    key: u128,
    val: E,
): (u128, u64) {
    let leaf: &mut Slice<E> = df::borrow_mut(&mut, slice_id);
    let off = leaf.bisect_left(key);

    if (
        off < leaf.keys.length() &&
        key == leaf.keys[off]
    ) {
        abort EExists

    // If there is enough space in the current leaf, no need
    // to split.
    if (leaf.keys.length() < self.max_slice_size) {
        leaf.keys.insert(key, off);
        leaf.vals.insert(val, off);
        return (0, NO_SLICE)

    // Split off half the current leaf to be the new `next` leaf.
    let split_at = leaf.vals.length() / 2;
    let mut next = Slice {
        prev: slice_id,
        keys: leaf.keys.pop_until(split_at),
        vals: leaf.vals.pop_until(split_at),

    // Insert the key-value pair into the correct side of the
    // split -- the first element in the new slice is the pivot.
    // SAFETY: The next slice is guaranteed to be non-empty,
    // because we round down the size of the original slice when
    // splitting, so as long as `leaf.keys` had at least one
    // element at the start of the call, then `next.keys` will
    // have at least one element at this point.
    let pivot = next.keys[0];
    if (key < pivot) {
        leaf.keys.insert(key, off);
        leaf.vals.insert(val, off);
    } else {
        next.keys.insert(key, off - split_at);
        next.vals.insert(val, off - split_at);

    (pivot, self.alloc(next))

Function node_insert

Like slice_insert but you know that slice_id points to an interior node, and depth is the depth of its children, not itself.

fun node_insert<E: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, slice_id: u64, depth: u8, key: u128, val: E): (u128, u64)
fun node_insert<E: store>(
    self: &mut BigVector<E>,
    slice_id: u64,
    depth: u8,
    key: u128,
    val: E,
): (u128, u64) {
    let node: &mut Slice<u64> = df::borrow_mut(&mut, slice_id);
    let off = node.bisect_right(key);

    let child = node.vals[off];
    let (key, val) = self.slice_insert(child, depth, key, val);

    // The recursive call didn't introduce an extra slice, so no
    // work needed to accommodate it.
    if (val == NO_SLICE) {
        return (0, NO_SLICE)

    // Re-borrow the current node, after the recursive call.
    let node: &mut Slice<u64> = df::borrow_mut(&mut, slice_id);

    // The extra slice can be accommodated in the current node
    // without splitting it.
    if (node.vals.length() < self.max_fan_out) {
        node.keys.insert(key, off);
        node.vals.insert(val, off + 1);
        return (0, NO_SLICE)

    let split_at = node.vals.length() / 2;
    let mut next = Slice {
        prev: slice_id,
        keys: node.keys.pop_until(split_at),
        vals: node.vals.pop_until(split_at),

    // SAFETY: `node` is guaranteed to have a key to pop after
    // having `next` split off from it, because:
    //    split_at
    //  = length(node.vals) / 2
    // >= self.max_fan_out  / 2
    // >= MIN_FAN_OUT / 2
    // >= 4 / 2
    //  = 2
    // Meaning there will be at least 2 elements left in the key
    // vector after the split -- one to pop here, and then one to
    // leave behind to ensure the remaining node is at least
    // binary (not vestigial).
    let pivot = node.keys.pop_back();
    if (key < pivot) {
        node.keys.insert(key, off);
        node.vals.insert(val, off + 1);
    } else {
        next.keys.insert(key, off - split_at);
        next.vals.insert(val, off - split_at + 1);

    (pivot, self.alloc(next))

Function slice_remove

Remove key from the slice at ID slice_id with depth depth, in self.

prev_id and next_id are the IDs of slices either side of slice_id that share the same parent, to be used for redistribution and merging.

Aborts if key does not exist within the slice.

fun slice_remove<E: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, prev_id: u64, prev_key: u128, slice_id: u64, next_key: u128, next_id: u64, depth: u8, key: u128): (E, u8, u128)
fun slice_remove<E: store>(
    self: &mut BigVector<E>,
    prev_id: u64,
    prev_key: u128,
    slice_id: u64,
    next_key: u128,
    next_id: u64,
    depth: u8,
    key: u128,
): (E, u8, u128) {
    if (depth == 0) {
    } else {
            depth - 1,

Function leaf_remove

Like slice_remove but you know that slice_id points to a leaf.

fun leaf_remove<E: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, prev_id: u64, prev_key: u128, slice_id: u64, next_key: u128, next_id: u64, key: u128): (E, u8, u128)
fun leaf_remove<E: store>(
    self: &mut BigVector<E>,
    prev_id: u64,
    prev_key: u128,
    slice_id: u64,
    next_key: u128,
    next_id: u64,
    key: u128,
): (E, u8, u128) {
    let leaf: &mut Slice<E> = df::borrow_mut(&mut, slice_id);
    let off = leaf.bisect_left(key);

    if (off >= leaf.keys.length()) {
        abort ENotFound

    if (key != leaf.keys[off]) {
        abort ENotFound

    let val = leaf.vals.remove(off);

    let remaining = leaf.vals.length();
    let min_slice_size = self.max_slice_size / 2;
    if (remaining >= min_slice_size) {
        return (val, RM_FIX_NOTHING, 0)

    // Try redistribution with a neighbour
    if (prev_id != NO_SLICE) {
        let prev: &Slice<E> = df::borrow(&, prev_id);
        if (prev.vals.length() > min_slice_size) {
            return (
                self.slice_redistribute<E, E>(

    if (next_id != NO_SLICE) {
        let next: &Slice<E> = df::borrow(&, next_id);
        if (next.vals.length() > min_slice_size) {
            return (
                self.slice_redistribute<E, E>(

    // Try merging with a neighbour
    if (prev_id != NO_SLICE) {
        self.slice_merge<E, E>(prev_id, prev_key, slice_id);
        return (val, RM_FIX_MERGE_L, 0)

    if (next_id != NO_SLICE) {
        self.slice_merge<E, E>(slice_id, next_key, next_id);
        return (val, RM_FIX_MERGE_R, 0)

    // Neither neighbour exists, must be the root -- check whether
    // it's empty.
    if (remaining == 0) {
        (val, RM_FIX_EMPTY, 0)
    } else {
        (val, RM_FIX_NOTHING, 0)

Function node_remove

Like slice_remove but you know that slice_id points to an interior node, and depth refers to the depth of its child nodes.

fun node_remove<E: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, prev_id: u64, prev_key: u128, slice_id: u64, next_key: u128, next_id: u64, depth: u8, key: u128): (E, u8, u128)
fun node_remove<E: store>(
    self: &mut BigVector<E>,
    prev_id: u64,
    prev_key: u128,
    slice_id: u64,
    next_key: u128,
    next_id: u64,
    depth: u8,
    key: u128,
): (E, u8, u128) {
    let node: &Slice<u64> = df::borrow(&, slice_id);
    let off = node.bisect_right(key);

    let child_id = node.vals[off];

    let (child_prev_id, child_prev_key) = if (off == 0) {
        (NO_SLICE, 0)
    } else (
        node.vals[off - 1],
        node.keys[off - 1],

    let (child_next_id, child_next_key) = if (off == node.keys.length()) {
        (NO_SLICE, 0)
    } else (
        node.vals[off + 1],

    let (val, rm_fix, pivot) = self.slice_remove(

    // Re-borrow node mutably after recursive call, to perform
    // fix-ups.
    let node: &mut Slice<u64> = df::borrow_mut(&mut, slice_id);

    if (rm_fix == RM_FIX_NOTHING) {
        return (val, RM_FIX_NOTHING, 0)
    } else if (rm_fix == RM_FIX_STEAL_L) {
        *(&mut node.keys[off - 1]) = pivot;
        return (val, RM_FIX_NOTHING, 0)
    } else if (rm_fix == RM_FIX_STEAL_R) {
        *(&mut node.keys[off]) = pivot;
        return (val, RM_FIX_NOTHING, 0)
    } else if (rm_fix == RM_FIX_MERGE_L) {
        node.keys.remove(off - 1);
    } else if (rm_fix == RM_FIX_MERGE_R) {
        node.vals.remove(off + 1);
    } else {
        abort EBadRemove

    let remaining = node.vals.length();
    let min_fan_out = self.max_fan_out / 2;
    if (remaining >= min_fan_out) {
        return (val, RM_FIX_NOTHING, 0)

    // Try redistribution with a neighbour
    if (prev_id != NO_SLICE) {
        let prev: &Slice<u64> = df::borrow(&, prev_id);
        if (prev.vals.length() > min_fan_out) {
            return (
                self.slice_redistribute<E, u64>(

    if (next_id != NO_SLICE) {
        let next: &Slice<u64> = df::borrow(&, next_id);
        if (next.vals.length() > min_fan_out) {
            return (
                self.slice_redistribute<E, u64>(

    // Try merging with a neighbour
    if (prev_id != NO_SLICE) {
        self.slice_merge<E, u64>(prev_id, prev_key, slice_id);
        return (val, RM_FIX_MERGE_L, 0)

    if (next_id != NO_SLICE) {
        self.slice_merge<E, u64>(slice_id, next_key, next_id);
        return (val, RM_FIX_MERGE_R, 0)

    // Neither neighbour exists, must be the root. As we are
    // dealing with an interior node, it is considered "empty"
    // when it has only one child (which can replace it), and it
    // is an error for it to be completely empty.
    if (remaining == 0) {
        abort EBadRemove
    } else if (remaining == 1) {
        (val, RM_FIX_EMPTY, 0)
    } else {
        (val, RM_FIX_NOTHING, 0)

Function slice_redistribute

Redistribute the elements in left_id and right_id separated by pivot, evenly between each other. Returns the new pivot element between the two slices.

Aborts if left and right are not adjacent slices.

fun slice_redistribute<E: store, F: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, left_id: u64, pivot: u128, right_id: u64): u128
fun slice_redistribute<E: store, F: store>(
    self: &mut BigVector<E>,
    left_id: u64,
    pivot: u128,
    right_id: u64,
): u128 {
    // Remove the slices from `self` to make it easier to
    // manipulate both of them simultaneously.
    let left: Slice<F> = df::remove(&mut, left_id);
    let right: Slice<F> = df::remove(&mut, right_id);

    assert!( == right_id, ENotAdjacent);
    assert!(right.prev == left_id, ENotAdjacent);

    let is_leaf = left.is_leaf();
    let Slice {
        prev: lprev,
        next: lnext,
        keys: mut lkeys,
        vals: mut lvals,
    } = left;

    let Slice {
        prev: rprev,
        next: rnext,
        keys: rkeys,
        vals: rvals,
    } = right;

    let old_l_len = lvals.length();
    let old_r_len = rvals.length();
    let total_len = old_l_len + old_r_len;
    let new_l_len = total_len / 2;
    let new_r_len = total_len - new_l_len;

    // Detect whether the redistribution is left-to-right or right-to-left.
    let left_to_right = if (new_l_len < old_l_len) {
    } else if (new_r_len < old_r_len) {
    } else {
        abort EBadRedistribution

    // Redistribute values
    let (lvals, rvals) = if (left_to_right) {
        let mut mvals = lvals.pop_until(new_l_len);
        (lvals, mvals)
    } else {
        let mut mvals = rvals;
        let rvals = mvals.pop_n(new_r_len);
        (lvals, rvals)

    // Redistribute keys and move pivot.
    // The pivot moves from the left side to the right side of the
    // middle section depending on whether the keys are from left
    // to right or vice versa.
    // The pivot also changes from inclusive to exclusive based on
    // whether the slices in question are leaves or not.
    // When handling interior nodes, the previous pivot needs to
    // be incorporated during this process.
    let (lkeys, pivot, rkeys) = if (is_leaf && left_to_right) {
        let mut mkeys = lkeys.pop_until(new_l_len);
        let pivot = mkeys[0];
        (lkeys, pivot, mkeys)
    } else if (is_leaf && !left_to_right) {
        let mut mkeys = rkeys;
        let rkeys = mkeys.pop_n(new_r_len);
        let pivot = rkeys[0];
        (lkeys, pivot, rkeys)
    } else if (!is_leaf && left_to_right) {
        // [left, new-pivot, mid] old-pivot [right]
        // ... becomes ...
        // [left] new-pivot [mid, old-pivot, right]
        let mut mkeys = lkeys.pop_until(new_l_len);
        let pivot = lkeys.pop_back();
        (lkeys, pivot, mkeys)
    } else {
        // [left] old-pivot [mid, new-pivot, right]
        // ... becomes ...
        // [left, old-pivot, mid] new-pivot [right]
        let mut mkeys = rkeys;
        let rkeys = mkeys.pop_n(new_r_len - 1);
        let pivot = mkeys.pop_back();
        (lkeys, pivot, rkeys)

    // Add the slices back to self.
        Slice { prev: lprev, next: lnext, keys: lkeys, vals: lvals },

        Slice { prev: rprev, next: rnext, keys: rkeys, vals: rvals },


Function slice_merge

Merge the right_id slice into left_id (represented by their IDs). Assumes that left_id and right_id are adjacent slices, separated by pivot, and aborts if this is not the case.

Upon success, left_id contains all the elements of both slices, and the right_id slice has been removed from the vector.

fun slice_merge<E: store, F: store>(self: &mut big_vector::BigVector<E>, left_id: u64, pivot: u128, right_id: u64)
fun slice_merge<E: store, F: store>(
    self: &mut BigVector<E>,
    left_id: u64,
    pivot: u128,
    right_id: u64,
) {
    let right: Slice<F> = df::remove(&mut, right_id);
    let left: &mut Slice<F> = df::borrow_mut(&mut, left_id);

    assert!( == right_id, ENotAdjacent);
    assert!(right.prev == left_id, ENotAdjacent);

    if (!left.is_leaf()) {

    let Slice { prev: _, next, keys, vals } = right;
    left.vals.append(vals); = next;
    if (next != NO_SLICE) {
        let next: &mut Slice<F> = df::borrow_mut(&mut, next);
        next.prev = left_id;