
Module 0x2::vec_map

use 0x1::option;
use 0x1::vector;

Struct VecMap

A map data structure backed by a vector. The map is guaranteed not to contain duplicate keys, but entries are not sorted by key–entries are included in insertion order. All operations are O(N) in the size of the map–the intention of this data structure is only to provide the convenience of programming against a map API. Large maps should use handwritten parent/child relationships instead. Maps that need sorted iteration rather than insertion order iteration should also be handwritten.

struct VecMap<K: copy, V> has copy, drop, store
contents: vector<vec_map::Entry<K, V>>

Struct Entry

An entry in the map

struct Entry<K: copy, V> has copy, drop, store
key: K
value: V


This key already exists in the map

const EKeyAlreadyExists: u64 = 0;

This key does not exist in the map

const EKeyDoesNotExist: u64 = 1;

Trying to access an element of the map at an invalid index

const EIndexOutOfBounds: u64 = 3;

Trying to pop from a map that is empty

const EMapEmpty: u64 = 4;

Trying to destroy a map that is not empty

const EMapNotEmpty: u64 = 2;

Trying to construct a map from keys and values of different lengths

const EUnequalLengths: u64 = 5;

Function empty

Create an empty VecMap

public fun empty<K: copy, V>(): vec_map::VecMap<K, V>
public fun empty<K: copy, V>(): VecMap<K,V> {
    VecMap { contents: vector[] }

Function insert

Insert the entry key |-> value into self. Aborts if key is already bound in self.

public fun insert<K: copy, V>(self: &mut vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: K, value: V)
public fun insert<K: copy, V>(self: &mut VecMap<K,V>, key: K, value: V) {
    assert!(!self.contains(&key), EKeyAlreadyExists);
    self.contents.push_back(Entry { key, value })

Function remove

Remove the entry key -> value from self. Aborts if key is not bound in self.
public fun remove<K: copy, V>(self: &mut vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): (K, V)
public fun remove<K: copy, V>(self: &mut VecMap<K,V>, key: &K): (K, V) {
    let idx = self.get_idx(key);
    let Entry { key, value } = self.contents.remove(idx);
    (key, value)

Function pop

Pop the most recently inserted entry from the map. Aborts if the map is empty.

public fun pop<K: copy, V>(self: &mut vec_map::VecMap<K, V>): (K, V)
public fun pop<K: copy, V>(self: &mut VecMap<K,V>): (K, V) {
    assert!(!self.contents.is_empty(), EMapEmpty);
    let Entry { key, value } = self.contents.pop_back();
    (key, value)

Function get_mut

Get a mutable reference to the value bound to key in self. Aborts if key is not bound in self.

public fun get_mut<K: copy, V>(self: &mut vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): &mut V
public fun get_mut<K: copy, V>(self: &mut VecMap<K,V>, key: &K): &mut V {
    let idx = self.get_idx(key);
    let entry = &mut self.contents[idx];
    &mut entry.value

Function get

Get a reference to the value bound to key in self. Aborts if key is not bound in self.

public fun get<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): &V
public fun get<K: copy, V>(self: &VecMap<K,V>, key: &K): &V {
    let idx = self.get_idx(key);
    let entry = &self.contents[idx];

Function try_get

Safely try borrow a value bound to key in self. Return Some(V) if the value exists, None otherwise. Only works for a “copyable” value as references cannot be stored in vector.

public fun try_get<K: copy, V: copy>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): option::Option<V>
public fun try_get<K: copy, V: copy>(self: &VecMap<K,V>, key: &K): Option<V> {
    if (self.contains(key)) {
        option::some(*get(self, key))
    } else {

Function contains

Return true if self contains an entry for key, false otherwise

public fun contains<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): bool
public fun contains<K: copy, V>(self: &VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): bool {
    get_idx_opt(self, key).is_some()

Function size

Return the number of entries in self

public fun size<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>): u64
public fun size<K: copy, V>(self: &VecMap<K,V>): u64 {

Function is_empty

Return true if self has 0 elements, false otherwise

public fun is_empty<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>): bool
public fun is_empty<K: copy, V>(self: &VecMap<K,V>): bool {
    self.size() == 0

Function destroy_empty

Destroy an empty map. Aborts if self is not empty

public fun destroy_empty<K: copy, V>(self: vec_map::VecMap<K, V>)
public fun destroy_empty<K: copy, V>(self: VecMap<K, V>) {
    let VecMap { contents } = self;
    assert!(contents.is_empty(), EMapNotEmpty);

Function into_keys_values

Unpack self into vectors of its keys and values. The output keys and values are stored in insertion order, not sorted by key.

public fun into_keys_values<K: copy, V>(self: vec_map::VecMap<K, V>): (vector<K>, vector<V>)
public fun into_keys_values<K: copy, V>(self: VecMap<K, V>): (vector<K>, vector<V>) {
    let VecMap { mut contents } = self;
    // reverse the vector so the output keys and values will appear in insertion order
    let mut i = 0;
    let n = contents.length();
    let mut keys = vector[];
    let mut values = vector[];
    while (i < n) {
        let Entry { key, value } = contents.pop_back();
        i = i + 1;
    (keys, values)

Function from_keys_values

Construct a new VecMap from two vectors, one for keys and one for values. The key value pairs are associated via their indices in the vectors, e.g. the key at index i in keys is associated with the value at index i in values. The key value pairs are stored in insertion order (the original vectors ordering) and are not sorted.

public fun from_keys_values<K: copy, V>(keys: vector<K>, values: vector<V>): vec_map::VecMap<K, V>
public fun from_keys_values<K: copy, V>(
    mut keys: vector<K>,
    mut values: vector<V>,
): VecMap<K, V> {
    assert!(keys.length() == values.length(), EUnequalLengths);
    let mut map = empty();
    while (!keys.is_empty()) map.insert(keys.pop_back(), values.pop_back());

Function keys

Returns a list of keys in the map. Do not assume any particular ordering.

public fun keys<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>): vector<K>
public fun keys<K: copy, V>(self: &VecMap<K, V>): vector<K> {
    let mut i = 0;
    let n = self.contents.length();
    let mut keys = vector[];
    while (i < n) {
        let entry = self.contents.borrow(i);
        i = i + 1;

Function get_idx_opt

Find the index of key in self. Return None if key is not in self. Note that map entries are stored in insertion order, not sorted by key.

public fun get_idx_opt<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): option::Option<u64>
public fun get_idx_opt<K: copy, V>(self: &VecMap<K,V>, key: &K): Option<u64> {
    let mut i = 0;
    let n = size(self);
    while (i < n) {
        if (&self.contents[i].key == key) {
            return option::some(i)
        i = i + 1;

Function get_idx

Find the index of key in self. Aborts if key is not in self. Note that map entries are stored in insertion order, not sorted by key.

public fun get_idx<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, key: &K): u64
public fun get_idx<K: copy, V>(self: &VecMap<K,V>, key: &K): u64 {
    let idx_opt = self.get_idx_opt(key);
    assert!(idx_opt.is_some(), EKeyDoesNotExist);

Function get_entry_by_idx

Return a reference to the idxth entry of self. This gives direct access into the backing array of the map–use with caution. Note that map entries are stored in insertion order, not sorted by key. Aborts if idx is greater than or equal to size(self)

public fun get_entry_by_idx<K: copy, V>(self: &vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, idx: u64): (&K, &V)
public fun get_entry_by_idx<K: copy, V>(self: &VecMap<K, V>, idx: u64): (&K, &V) {
    assert!(idx < size(self), EIndexOutOfBounds);
    let entry = &self.contents[idx];
    (&entry.key, &entry.value)

Function get_entry_by_idx_mut

Return a mutable reference to the idxth entry of self. This gives direct access into the backing array of the map–use with caution. Note that map entries are stored in insertion order, not sorted by key. Aborts if idx is greater than or equal to size(self)

public fun get_entry_by_idx_mut<K: copy, V>(self: &mut vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, idx: u64): (&K, &mut V)
public fun get_entry_by_idx_mut<K: copy, V>(self: &mut VecMap<K, V>, idx: u64): (&K, &mut V) {
    assert!(idx < size(self), EIndexOutOfBounds);
    let entry = &mut self.contents[idx];
    (&entry.key, &mut entry.value)

Function remove_entry_by_idx

Remove the entry at index idx from self. Aborts if idx is greater than or equal to size(self)

public fun remove_entry_by_idx<K: copy, V>(self: &mut vec_map::VecMap<K, V>, idx: u64): (K, V)
public fun remove_entry_by_idx<K: copy, V>(self: &mut VecMap<K, V>, idx: u64): (K, V) {
    assert!(idx < size(self), EIndexOutOfBounds);
    let Entry { key, value } = self.contents.remove(idx);
    (key, value)