
Module 0xa6::swap_info

use 0x2::bcs;
use 0x2::tx_context;
use 0xa6::coin_bag;

Struct SwapInfo

struct SwapInfo
status: swap_info::SwapStatus
swap_data: vector<vector<u8>>
coin_bag: coin_bag::CoinBag

Enum SwapStatus

Swapping: Curently performing swaps, should happen only after all estimation is finished. Estimating: Currently performing estimates. Once all estimates are done and the output is satisfactory then we can swap. Done: Done swapping and can be destroyed.

public enum SwapStatus has copy, drop, store
Variant Swapping
index: u64
fallback: bool
Variant Estimating
index: u64
fallback: bool
Variant Done


const EAlreadySkippingSwaps: vector<u8> = b"trying to skip swaps while swaps are skipped.";

const EDoneEstimating: vector<u8> = b"trying to estimate but estimating is finished.";

const EDoneSwapping: vector<u8> = b"trying to swap but swapping is finished.";

const ENotDone: vector<u8> = b"trying to finalize but SwapInfo is not Done yet.";

const ENotDoneEstimating: vector<u8> = b"trying to swap while still swapping.";

const ENotEstimating: vector<u8> = b"trying to get an estimate but estimating is done.";

const EOutOfEstimates: vector<u8> = b"trying to get make an estimate but there are none left.";

const EOutOfSwaps: vector<u8> = b"trying to get make a swap but there are none left.";

Function new

public(friend) fun new(data: vector<u8>, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): swap_info::SwapInfo
public(package) fun new(data: vector<u8>, ctx: &mut TxContext): SwapInfo {
    let swap_data = bcs::new(data).peel_vec_vec_u8();
    SwapInfo {
        status: SwapStatus::Estimating { index: 0, fallback: false },
        coin_bag: coin_bag::new(ctx),

Function data_swapping

public(friend) fun data_swapping(self: &mut swap_info::SwapInfo): (vector<u8>, bool)
public(package) fun data_swapping(self: &mut SwapInfo): (vector<u8>, bool) {
    let (index, fallback) = match (self.status) {
        SwapStatus::Swapping { index, fallback } => (index, fallback),
        SwapStatus::Estimating { .. } => abort (ENotDoneEstimating),
        SwapStatus::Done => abort (EDoneSwapping),

    assert!(index < self.swap_data.length(), EOutOfSwaps);

    self.status = if (index + 1 < self.swap_data.length()) {
            SwapStatus::Swapping { index: index + 1, fallback }
        } else {

    (self.swap_data[index], fallback)

Function data_estimating

public(friend) fun data_estimating(self: &mut swap_info::SwapInfo): (vector<u8>, bool)
public(package) fun data_estimating(self: &mut SwapInfo): (vector<u8>, bool) {
    let (index, fallback) = match (self.status) {
        SwapStatus::Estimating { index, fallback } => (index, fallback),
        _ => abort (EDoneEstimating),

    assert!(index < self.swap_data.length(), EOutOfEstimates);

    self.status = if (index + 1 < self.swap_data.length()) {
            SwapStatus::Estimating { index: index + 1, fallback }
        } else {
            SwapStatus::Swapping { index: 0, fallback }

    (self.swap_data[index], fallback)

Function coin_bag

public(friend) fun coin_bag(self: &mut swap_info::SwapInfo): &mut coin_bag::CoinBag
public(package) fun coin_bag(self: &mut SwapInfo): &mut CoinBag {
    &mut self.coin_bag

Function skip_swap

public(friend) fun skip_swap(self: &mut swap_info::SwapInfo)
public(package) fun skip_swap(self: &mut SwapInfo) {
    self.status =
        match (self.status) {
            SwapStatus::Estimating {
                fallback: false,
            } => SwapStatus::Estimating { index, fallback: true },
            SwapStatus::Estimating { .. } => abort (EAlreadySkippingSwaps),
            _ => abort (ENotEstimating),

Function finalize

public(friend) fun finalize(self: swap_info::SwapInfo)
public(package) fun finalize(self: SwapInfo) {
    match (self.status) {
        SwapStatus::Done => self.destroy(),
        _ => abort (ENotDone),

Function destroy

fun destroy(self: swap_info::SwapInfo)
fun destroy(self: SwapInfo) {
    let SwapInfo {
        status: _,
        swap_data: _,
    } = self;